Sunday, October 18, 2009


It appears each born again Christian that follows Jesus, sooner or later, reaches a point where they no longer seem to be growing in faith.
They are saved. They may be strong in faith, but their spiritual growth has ceased.
There are certain signs that this has happened. They are, as we may say, stuck in a rut.
Some signs that this has happened is that they do not recognize that this has happened to them, because of a deceitful voice in their head which they believe.
Another sign is that they have lost some of their childlikeness to both wanting and receiving correction.
When they make a mistake, they are sometimes quick to say they have made no mistake. The humble, meek spirit they had, has regressed backward a bit. They become a bit quick to justify themselves, rather than humbly seeking help in overcoming some strongholds that Satan still has in their attitude.
They may have voices in their head from rejection in their past, so Satan uses it and gets a stronghold in them that they do not recognize.
So what other signs can be looked for that are indications a person is stagnant in their growth or may have even backslidden a bit?
The signs are:

  • a lack of childlikeness to correction,
  • a lack of meekness,
  • quick speaking when they are corrected in justifying themselves.
These are indications that Satan has at least one or more strongholds in their life. Another is:
  • jealousy,
  • or envy,
  • also a lack of conforming to certain Scriptures,
  • and a lack of one or more of the fruits of the Spirit of God.
Some have problems being corrected because of a bad relationship with their father in their childhood. So, they stagnate in their spiritual growth.
A person that has difficulty in admitting they have certain shortcomings, is a person that has ceased growing spiritually. The closer a person is to God, the more they can see their shortcomings, the more they should want correction, and the more they should be dissatisfied with their lack of being like Christ.
Good signs are that a person is not quick to speak, but they are quick to listen and hear, and receive correction. They are humble, childlike, meek.
They are not overbearing, self-centered, or self-confident.
They do not jump to quick conclusions.
Good signs are that a person is constantly examining themselves through God’s Word to see what strongholds Satan has in their attitude and life.
Anyone that feels they are ok in their walk with Jesus, has, indeed, stopped growing spiritually or may even be backsliding. If this is the case, the person is not striving for perfection and holiness. Humbleness, recognizing their shortcomings, and fasting can help break strongholds. We all have some. We all need correction from God’s Word, but when an impasse is reached, when our spiritual growth seems to be at a standstill, we may need help from those God has put over us. Not to recognize this, is a good sign our growth has stopped, or we may even be backsliding.
What SPIRITUAL FOG are you in? What HYPNOTIC DELUSION has overtaken you?
Let us all consider carefully what has been said, lest we stumble and fall by the wayside.
To love anyone or anything even close to the love you have for Jesus is an indication you are heading in the wrong direction. Love not this world, neither the things that are in this world. For anyone that loves this world, the love of God is not in them–ref 1 Jn 2:15.